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Published peer reviewed book chapters​


Peydaei A, Dodhia MS, Schmidt D, Hendiani, S, Neu TR, *Sand KK, Posth NR. 2024. Beyond Biofilm - The role of Bio-Minerals and Metals in the Plastisphere – Implications for Elemental Cycling, Biogeochemical Processes, and Human Health. Francis and Taylor Book chapter. Accepted.​


J. D. Rodriguez-Blanco, K. K. Sand, L. G. Benning, 2017. ACC and Vaterite as Intermediates in the Solution-Based Crystallization of CaCO3. In: New Perspectives on Mineral Nucleation and Growth, A. E. S. V. Driessche, M. Kellermeier, L. G. Benning, D. Gebauer, Eds. (Springer International Publishing, 2017), pp. 93–111.





Published peer reviewed papers​


Hendiani, S.; Carbajo, C.; Caicedo, P. N. A.; Verma, T.; Hansen, M. F.; Agbaje, O. B. A.; Mulec, I. M.; Burmølle, M.; Sand , K. K. Reconciling the Role of Mineral Surfaces for Bacterial Evolution: Importance of Minerals in the Dissemination of Antibiotic Resistance. Sci. Total Environ. 2025, 962, 178301.


Agbaje, O. B. A.; Huang, Q.; Op De Beeck, M.; Ambus, P. L.; Thygesen, L. G.; Schöne, B. R.; Sand, K. K. Molecular Signatures of Biomacromolecules at Micron and Submicron Scales in Arctica Islandica Shells. Chem. Geol. 2025, 673, 122550.


Hammarlund, E. U., Jauffred, L., Posth, N. R., Sand, K. K. Tackling Ongoing Crises with Collective Evolutionary Knowledge. Evol. Earth 2024, 2, 100043. (Equal contributions)


Verma, T.; Hendiani, S.; Carbajo, C.; Andersen, S. B.; Hammarlund, E. U.; Burmølle, M.; Sand, K. K. Recurrence and Propagation of Past Functions through Mineral Facilitated Horizontal Gene Transfer. Front. Microbiol. 2024, 15.


Ucar, S., Nielsen, A. R., Mojsoska, B., Dideriksen, K., Andreassen, J.-P., Zuckermann, R. N., Sand, K. K. Exploiting Saturation Regimes and Surface Effects to Tune Composite Design: Single Platelet Nanocomposites of Peptoid Nanosheets and CaCO3. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 16 (15), 19496–19506.


Sand, K.K, Jelavić S, Kjær, K. Prohaska, A. 2024. Importance of eDNA taphonomy and sediment provenance for robust ecological inference: insights from interfacial geochemistry. Environmental DNA, (2)


Kjær K.H., Pedersen M.W., De Sanctis B, De Cahsan B, Korneliussen TS, Michelsen CS, Sand K.K., Jelavić S …Willerslev, E. 2022. A 2-million-year-old ecosystem in Greenland uncovered by environmental DNA. Nature, (7939), 283–91.


Jelavić S, Thygesen LG, Magnin V, Findling N, Müller S, Meklesh V, and Sand K.K.  2022. Soot and charcoal as reservoirs of extracellular DNA. Peer Community J, Ecotox Env Chem


Boschker, H.T.S, Cook, P.L. M. […] Meysman F. J. R. 2021. Efficient long-range conduction in cable bacteria through nickel protein wires. Nature Communications, (12), 3396


Jelavić, S., Mitchell, A. and Sand, K.K. 2020. Fate of organic compounds during transformation of ferrihydrite in iron formations. Geochemical perspective letters.


Sand, K.K., Jelavić, S., Dobberschütz, S., Ashby, P., Marshall, M., Didericksen, K., Stipp, S.L.S., Friddle, R., DeYoreo, J.J. 2020. Mechanistic insight into biopolymer induced iron oxide mineralization through quantification of molecular bonding. Nanoscale Advances, (2), 3323-3333.


Nielsen, A., Mitchell, A. C., Stipp, S. L. S.; Zuckermann. R. and Sand, K. K. 2020. Thermodynamic and Kinetic Parameters for Calcite Nucleation on Peptoid and Model Scaffolds: A Step toward Nacre Mimicry. Crystal growth and design, (20), 3762–3771.


Weihe, S. Mangayayam, M, Sand, K.K, Tobler, D. 2019. Hematite crystallization in the presence of organic matter: impact on crystal properties and bacterial dissolution. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. (3), 510-518.


Sand, K.K. and Jelavić, S. 2018. Mineral facilitated horizontal gene transfer: A new principle for evolution of life? Frontiers in Geomicrobiology (9).  


Dobberschütz, S., Nielsen, M., Sand, K.K., Civioc, R., Bovet, N., Stipp S.L.S. 2018. The mechanisms of crystal growth inhibition by organic and inorganic inhibitors. Nature Communications, (9), 2041-1723.


Jelavić, S., Hassenkam, T., Tobler, D.J., Stipp, S.L.S., Sand, K.K. 2017. Prebiotic RNA polymerisation: nucleotide adsorption and polymerisation on clay mineral surfaces. Chemical Communications, (53), 12700-12703.


Sand, K. K., Pedersen, C. S., Dobberschütz, S., Matthiesen, J., Stipp, S. L. S. 2017. Controlling Biomineralisation with Cations. Nanoscale, (9), 12925-12933.


Sand, K. K., Friddle, R. W., DeYoreo, J. J. 2017. Quantifying the Free Energy Landscape between Polymers and Minerals. Scientific Reports, Nature research. (7), 2045-2322.


Nielsen, M. R., Sand, K.K., Rodriguez-Blanco, J. D., Bovet, N., Dalby, K. N., J., G. Stipp, S. L. S. 2016.  Inhibition of Calcite Growth: Combined effects of Mg2+ and SO42-. Crystal Growth and Design, (11), 6199-6207.


Andersson, M.P., Dobberschütz, S., Sand, K.K., Tobler, D., DeYoreo, J.J., Stipp, S.L.S. 2016. A microkinetic model of calcite growth. Angewandte.  (37), 11086-90.


Sand, K.K., Tobler, D., Dobberschütz, S., Larsen, K., Makovicky, E., Andersson, M., Wolthers, M., Stipp, S.L.S. 2016. Calcite Growth Kinetics: Dependence on Saturation Index, Ca2+:CO3- Activity Ratio, and Surface Atomic Structure. Crystal Growth and Design. (7), 3602–3612.


Tobler, D.J., Rodriguez-Blanco, J.D, Dideriksen, K., Bovet, N.  Sand, K.K. and Stipp, S.L.S. 2015. Citrate Effects on Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) Structure, Stability and Crystallization. Advanced Functional Materials. (20), 3081-3090.


Andersson, M.P., Hem, C., Schultz, L., Nielsen, J., Pedersen, C.S., Sand, K.K., Okhrimenko, D. Johnson, A. and S.L.S. Stipp. 2014. Infrared Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory Investigation of Calcite, Chalk, and Coccoliths—Do We Observe the Mineral Surface? The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, (118), 10720-10729.


Sand, K.K., Pedersen, C. S., Sjöberg, S., Nielsen, J. W., Makovicky, E. & Stipp, S. L. S. 2014. Biomineralization: The long term effectiveness of polysaccharides on the growth and dissolution of calcite. Crystal Growth & Design, (14), 5486-5494.


Tobler, D. J., Blanco, J. D. R., Dideriksen, K., Sand, K.K., Bovet, N., Benning, L. G. and Stipp, S. L. S. 2014. The Effect of Aspartic Acid and Glycine on Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) Structure, Stability and Crystallization. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, (10), 143-148.


Nielsen, J.W., Sand, K.K., Pedersen, C.S., Willemoes, M. and Stipp, S.L.S. 2012. Polysaccharide effect on calcite growth: The influence of composition and branching. Crystal Growth and Design, (10), 4906–4910.


Sand, K.K., Rodriguez-Blanco, J.D., Makovicky, E., Benning, L.G. and Stipp S. L. S. 2012. Aragonite growth in water-alcohol mixtures: Classical or nonclassical crystallization? MRS Fall conference proceedings, mesf11-1419-nn01-08.


Sand, K.K., Rodriguez-Blanco, J. D., Makovicky, E., Benning, L.G. and Stipp S.L.S. 2012. Crystallization of CaCO3 in water-alcohol mixtures: Spherulitic growth, polymorph stabilization and morphology change. Crystal Growth and Design, (12) 845-853.


Cooke, D., Gray, R., Sand, K.K., Stipp, S.L.S. and Elliott, J. 2010. The interaction of ethanol and water with the {10.4} surface of calcite. Langmuir, (26), 14520-14529.


Sand, K.K., Yang, M., Makovicky, E., Cooke, D., Hassenkam, T., Bechgaard, K., Stipp, S.L.S. 2010. Binding of ethanol on calcite: The role of the OH bond and its relevance to biomineralization. Langmuir, (26), 15239-15247.


Sand, K.K., Waight, T.E., Pearson, D.G., Nielsen, T.F.N., Makovicky, E. and Huchison, M.T. 2009. The lithospheric mantle below southern West Greenland: a geothermobarometric approach to diamond potential and mantle stratigraphy. Lithos, (112), 1155-1166.


Nielsen, T.F.D., Jensen, S.M., Secher, K. and Sand, K.K. 2009. Distribution of kimberlite and ailikite in the Diamond Province of southern West Greenland: regional perspective based on groundmass mineral chemistry and bulk compositions. Lithos, (112), 358-371.


Steenfelt, A., Jensen, S.M., Nielsen, T.F., and Sand, K.K. 2009. Provinces of ultramafic lamprophyre dykes, kimberlite dykes and carbonatite in West Greenland characterised by minerals and chemical components in surface media. Lithos, (112), 116-123.


Steenfelt, A., Jensen, S.M., Nielsen, T.F.D., Sand, K.K. and Secher, K. 2009. Diamonds and lithospheric mantle properties in the Neoproterozoic igneous province of southern West Greenland. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin 17, Review of Survey activities 2008: 65-69.


Nielsen, T.F.D. & Sand, KK. 2008. The Majuagaa kimberlite dike, Maniitsoq region, West Greenland: constraint for an Mg-rich silicocarbonatite melt composition from groundmass mineralogy and bulk composition. Canadian Mineralogist, (46), 1043-1061.






Published non-peer reviewed book chapters​


Sand, K.K., Nielsen, T.F.D., Secher, K. and Steenfelt, A. 2007. Kimberlite and carbonatite exploration in southern West Greenland; Summary of previous activities and recent work by the kimberlite research group at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. In: Vladykin, N. (Editor), Alkaline magmatism, its sources and plumes. Publishing House of the Institute of Geography, Irkutsk, Napoli, 127-140.








Hendiani, S., Hansen, M.F., Kontopoulos, I.,Verma. T., Pucetaite, M., Burmølle, M., Ramstaedt, M. and Sand. K.K. Fundamentals of biofilm formation in soil: From functionalized self-assembled monolayers to rewilding. bioRxiv January 31, 2023, p 2023.01.30.526320.






Non-Peer reviewed contributions


Sand, K.K 2022. The role of mineral surfaces for DNA translocation in the environment. Cancer, multicellular and complex systems, Lund 5th – 7th of Sept.


Freeman, C. L., Dieudonne, L., Collins, M. J. and Sand, K. K. 2021. Survival of Environmental DNA in Natural. Environments: Surface Charge and Topography of Minerals as Driver for DNA Storage. Goldschmidt Abstract, Lyon 4th-9th of July


Jelavić, S., Mitchell, A, Sand, K.K. 2021. Implications of ferrihydrite transformation for the fate of organic compounds in Precambrian iron formations. Goldschmidt Abstract, Lyon 4th-9th of July


Kontopoulos, I., Sanz, J.Q., Sand, K.K. 2021. Adsorption characteristics of ssDNA and dsDNA onto mineral surfaces: implications for DNA preservation in sedimentary archives. Goldschmidt Abstract, Lyon 4th-9th of July


Kontopoulos, I., Sanz, J.Q., Sand, K.K. 2021. The effect of surface charge and background electrolytes on the adsorption characteristics of DNA to mineral surfaces. Abstract for 9th international symposium on biomolecular archaeology, Toulouse, 1st-4th of June.


Kontopoulos, I., Sanz, J.Q., Sand, K.K. 2021. Visualisation of DNA adsorption to mineral surfaces using atomic force microscopy. Abstract for Ancient Biomolecules of Plants, Animals, and Microbes. Virtual Conference, 29th-31st of March.


Jelavić, S., Dieudonné, L., Sanz, J.Q., Sand, K.K. 2020. Do minerals play a role in the evolution of life? - Quantification of DNA-mineral interactions. 2020. Abstract for The European Microscopy Congress, Copenhagen 23rd – 28th of August.


Jelavić, S., Sanz, J.Q., Persson, P., Sand K.K. 2020. Kinetics of DNA adsorption and desorption from minerals. Goldschmidt Abstract, Hawaii 21th-26th of June.


Dieudonné, L., Sanz, J.Q., Jelavić, S., Sand K.K. 2020. Survival of environmental DNA in natural environments and implications for the evolution of life. Goldschmidt Abstract, Hawaii 21th-26th of June.


Jelavić, S., and Sand K.K. The sedimentary gene archive and its potential influence on the evolution of life. 2019. The Willerslev Workshop, St. Johns College, Cambridge, U.K. 18th – 20th of August.


Jelavić, S., and Sand K.K. eDNA and the propagation of antibiotic resistance genes in soils. 2019. The Willerslev Workshop, St. Johns College, Cambridge, U.K. 18th – 20th of August.


Jelavić, S., and Sand, K.K. The mineral-water interface: direct implications for the evolution of life? 2019. GSA abstract, Phoenix, Arizona 22nd-26th of September.


Sand K.K., and Jelavić, S.  Mineral Facilitated Horizontal Gene Transfer: A New Principle for Evolution of Life? 2018. Goldschmidt Abstracts, Barcelona 18th-23rd of August.


Nielsen, A.R, Dideriksen, K., Mitchel, A., Sand K.K. 2019. Mimicking biomineralisation using peptoid templating. Goldschmidt Abstracts, Barcelona 18th-23rd of August.


Weihe, S., Mangayayam, M., Sand, K.K., Tobler, D. 2019 Alginate impacts on hematite crystallisation and bioreduction by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Goldschmidt Abstracts, Barcelona 18th-23rd of August.


Sand K.K., and Jelavić, S.  Mineral Facilitated Horizontal Gene Transfer: A New Principle for Evolution of Life? 2018. Gordon Research Conference of Biomineralization, New Haven, USA. 29th of July – 3rd of August.


Jelavić, S. and Sand K.K. Quantification of molecular bonding: Implications for origin of life and the iron cycle. 2018. Abstract for the Nordic Geologic Winter Meeting. Lyngby, Denmark. 10th -12th of January.


Sand, K.K., Jelavić, S., and DeYoreo, J.J. Mechanistic insight into microbial formation of iron oxides: implications for development of banded iron formations and our atmosphere. 2018. Abstract for the Nordic Geologic Winter Meeting. Lyngby, Denmark. 10th -12th of January.


Nielsen, A.R., Murray, D.J., Rad, B., Stipp, S.L.S., Zuckermann, R.N. and Sand K.K. 2018. Biomimetic approach to material design. Abstract for the Nordic Geologic Winter Meeting. Lyngby, Denmark. 10th -12th of January.


Sand, K.K., Jelavić, S, Dobberschütz S, Ashby P, Marshall M, Friddle R & DeYoreo J.  2017. Mechanistic Insight into Microbial Biomineralization of Iron Oxides. Goldschmidt Abstracts. Paris, France, 13th -18th of August.


Nielsen, A.R., Sand, K.K, Muray, D., Rad, B., Battigelli, A., Zuckermann, R.N., and Stipp, S.L.S. 2016. Nacre mimetic materials templated from peptoid nanosheets. Abstract for Gordon research Conference. Girona, Spain 14th -19th of August.


Sand, K.K, Jelavić, S. and DeYoreo, J.J. 2016. Free energies of binding between polysaccharides and iron oxides: quantifying the preferred binding between biofilm and iron oxides. Abstract for Gordon research Conference, Girona, Spain 14th to 19th of August.


Sand, K.K, Jelavic, S. Dobberschutz, S., Stipp. S.L.S. and DeYoreo, J.J. 2016. A mechanistic explanation for preferential binding of iron oxides to natural organic matter: Deriving free energies of binding. Goldschmidt Abstracts, Japan 26th-1st of July.


Sand, K.K., Teravest, M., Ajo-Franklin, C. & DeYoreo, J. 2015. Bacterial Induced Transformation of Iron Oxides; Morphology and Rate Effects from Natural and Engineered Living Cells. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2015 2753. Prague, Czech Republic,16th-21st of August.


Tobler, D., Rodriguez-Blanco, J.D., Dideriksen, K., Bovet, N., Sand, K.K. & Stipp, S.L.S. 2015. Biomolecule Control on CaCO3 Mineralisation Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2015 3139. Prague, Czech Republic, 16th-21st of August


Nielsen, M.R., Sand, K.K., Rodriguez-Blanco, J.D., Bovet, N., Dalby, K.N., Generosi, J. & Stipp, S.L.S. 2015. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2015 2276. Prague, Czech Republic, 16th-21st of August


Sand, K.K., TerAvest, M., Ajo-Franklin, C.M., DeYoreo, J. The effect of natural and engineered electron transfer in living cells on the transformation of iron oxides. EMBEER, Richland, USA. 29th -30 July.


Sand, K.K., TerAvest, M., Ajo-Franklin, C.M., DeYoreo, J. 2015. The effect of natural and engineered electron transfer in living cells on the transformation of iron oxides. ACS, Denver, USA.  22nd - 26th of March.


Tobler, D.J., Rodriguez-Blanco, J.D, Dideriksen, K., Sand, K.K., Bovet, N. and Stipp, S.L.S. Role of citric acid in CaCO3 crystallization. ACS, Denver, USA. 22nd – 26th of March.


Rodriguez-Blanco, J.D, Dideriksen, K., Tobler, D.J., Stipp, S.L.S., Sand, K.K., Vanilla, B. and Benning, L. 2015. Role of borate ions in CaCO3 crystallization. ACS, Denver, USA. 22nd – 26th of March


Rodriguez-Blanco, J.D, Dideriksen, K., Tobler, D.J., Stipp, S.L.S., Vanilla, B. Benning, and Sand, K.K. 2015. Mechanistic insight into the early stages of crystallization of REE-carbonate. ACS, Denver, USA. 22nd – 26th of March.


Sand, K.K., TerAvest, M.A., Ajo-Franklin, C.M., DeYoreo, J. 2014. Extracellular biomineralization; the effect of natural and engineered electron transfer in living cells on the transformation of ferrihydrite and green rust. Gordon Research Conference of Biomineralization, New Haven, USA. 12th - 17th of August.


Sand, K.K., Pedersen, C.S., Sjöberg, S., Nielsen, J.W., Makovicky, E. and Stipp, S.L.S. 2014. The activity of ancient polysaccharide associated with chalk: A strong growth inhibitor and morphology moderator for calcite. Goldschmidt Conference, Sacramento, USA. 8th – 13th of June.


Tobler, D.J., Rodriguez-Blanco, J.D, Dideriksen, K., Sand, K.K., Benning, L. and Stipp, S.L.S. 2014. Effect of citric acid on amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) structure, stability and crystallization. Goldschmidt Conference, Sacramento, USA. 8th – 13th of June.


Stipp, S.L.S. Hassenkam, T., Andersson, M.P., Sakuma, H., Pedersen, C.S. Schultz, L.N., Yang, M., Keller, K.S., Sand, K.K., Bovet, N., Henriksen, K.E. and Engstrøm. F. 2014. Pushing Thermodynamics Uphill: Organisms' Control on Biomineralisation. Goldschmidt Conference, Sacramento, USA. 8th – 13th of June.


Rodriguez-Blanco, J.D., Tobler, D.J., Dideriksen, K., Benning, L.G., Sand, K.K. and Stipp, S.L.S. 2014. The effect of Sr2+ on the structure, stability and crystallisation of amorphous calcium carbonate. Goldschmidt Conference, Sacramento, USA. 8th – 13th of June.


Sand, K.K., Tobler, D.J, Larsen K., Makovicky, E. & Stipp S.L.S. 2013. Calcite Step Growth Velocities; A Function of Saturation Index and the Ca2+ to CO32- Activity Ratio. Goldschmidt Conference Abstract. Florence, Italy. 25th - 30th of July. Mineralogical Magazine, 77, 2126.


Van de Locht, R., Verch, A., Saunders, M., Sand, K.K. and Kroger R. 2013. Correlation between Crystallization Patterns and Diurnal Growth Bands in Scleractinian Corals. Goldschmidt Conference Abstract. Florence, Italy. 25th -30th of July. Mineralogical Magazine, 77, 2393.


 Nielsen, MR., Sand K.K., and Stipp SLS. 2013.  Calcite Scaling: Growth Inhibition by Mg2+, SO42- and Mg2+ + SO42-. Goldschmidt Conference Abstract. Florence, Italy. 25th - 30th of August. Mineralogical Magazine, 77, 1848.


Tobler, D.J., Sand K.K., Dideriksen K., Rodriguez-Blanco J.D., Sørensen H.O. and Stipp S.L.S. 2013. The Role of pH and Simple Organic Molecules in Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) Structure. Goldschmidt Conference Abstract. Florence, Italy. 25th - 30th of August. Mineralogical Magazine, 77, 2336.


Schultz, L. Dideriksen, K., Mueter, D., Sand, K.K.  and Stipp S.L.S. 2013. Grain coarsening of ultrafine calcite and chalk. 5th International Conference on Recrystallization & Grain Growth. Sydney, Australia, 5th -10th of May.


Sand, K.K., Pedersen, C.S., Sjöberg, S., Nielsen, J.W., Makovicky, E., and Stipp, S.L.S. 2012. The activity of ancient chalk associated polysaccharide: A strong growth inhibitor and morphology moderator for calcite. Gordon Research Conference of Biomineralization, New Haven, USA. 12th - 17th of August.


Kröger, R., Locht, R. v.d., Verch, A., Morrison, I., O’Toole, P., Saunders, M., and Sand, K.K. 2012. Similarities of crystal morphologies in corallites and aragonite formed by ethanol-assisted precipitation studied by in-situ and ex-situ electron microscopy. Gordon Research Conference of Biomineralization, New Haven, USA. 12th - 17th of August.


Sand, K.K., Verch, A., Makovicky, E., Van de Locht, R., Morrison, I., Rodriguez-Blanco, J. D., Benning, L., Kröger, R. and Stipp, S.L.S. 2012. Mesocrystal formation of aragonite? Evidence for a classical crystallisation pathway. Faraday discussions 159: Crystallization – a Biological Perspective. The University of Leeds, United Kingdom. 23rd - 25th of July.


Stipp, S.L.S., Hassenkam, T., Yang, M., Skovbjerg L.L., Sand K.K., Pasarín, I., and Bohr, J. 2012.  When the surface is not what you think it is. Goldschmidt Conference Abstract. Montrèal, Canada. 24th -29th of June. Mineralogical Magazine, 76, 2410.


Sand, K.K., Rodriguez-Blanco, J.D., Makovicky, E., Benning, L. G. and Stipp S.L.S. 2011. CaCO3 polymorph growth and stabilization in water-ethanol mixtures. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, Mineralogical Magazine Vol. 75, 1790.


Sand, K.K., Rodriguez-Blanco, J.D., Makovicky, E., Benning, L.G. and Stipp S.L.S. 2011. CaCO3 polymorphs: spherulitic growth and stabilization in water-ethanol. MRS conference, Boston. 14th to 18th of August.


Sand. K.K. 2011. Biomineralization of CaCO3: inhibition by the functional groups; -COOH and -OH. PhD Thesis. Nano-Science Center, University

of Copenhagen. 28 January.


Sand, K.K., Yang, M., Makovicky, E., Cooke, D., Hassenkam, T., and Stipp, S.L.S. 2010. Binding of ethanol on calcite: The role of the -OH bond and its relevance to biomineralization. DSCS User Conference, Copenhagen, DK. 9th November.


Andersson, M.P., Nielsen, J.W., Sand, K.K., Pedersen, C. S., and Stipp, S. L. S. 2010. What a difference 60 million years make: Infrared spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory calculations of chalk and coccoliths. DSCS User Conference, Copenhagen, DK. 9th November.



Sand, K.K., Yang, M., Makovicky, E., Cooke, D., Hassenkam, T., and Stipp, S.LS. 2010. Binding of ethanol on calcite: The role of the -OH bond and its relevance to biomineralization. Gordon Research Conference of Biomineralization, New Haven, USA. 15th to 20th of August.


Sand, K.K., Yang, M., Makovicky, E., Rodriguez-Blanco, J.D., Benning, L.G., and Stipp, S.L.S. 2010. The effect of alcohols on the growth and precipitation of CaCO3. Mir-Mingro meeting: Fundamentals of Carbonate Reactivities/Industrial and Academic Applications, Roskilde, DK. May.


Stipp, S.L.S., Gislason, S., West, K., Olsson, J., Hem, C.P., Nissenbaum, J., Sand, K.K., Hassenkam, T., Makovicky, E., Bjørnholm, T. and Bechgaard, K., In-situ Mineral Carbonation: The most stable, long-term carbon-dioxide storage option. 2009.In Climate Conference Copenhagen May.


Sand, K.K., Cooke, D., Hassenkam, T., Yang, M., Makovicky, E., Bechgaard, K., and Stipp, S.L.S. 2009. The influence of ethanol adsorption on the {10.4} calcite surface. Goldschmidt 2009, Davos, Switzerland. 21st - 26th of June.


Sand, K.K., Stipp, S.L.S., Hassenkam, T., Yang, M., and Makovicky, E. 2009. Ethanol adsorption on the {10.4} calcite surface: preliminary observations with atomic force microscopy, NanoDay 2009, DTU, Lyngby


Sand, K.K., Stipp, S.L.S., Hassenkam, T., Yang, M., Cooke, D., and Makovicky, E. 2008. Ethanol adsorption on the {10.4} calcite surface: Preliminary observations with AFM. Extended abstract vol. Geochemistry of the Earth´s Surface 8, London, United Kingdom. 18th -22nd of August.


Nielsen., T.F.D., Jensen, S.M., Secher, K., and Sand, K.K. 2008. Regional and Temporal Variations in the Magmatism of the Diamond Province of southern West Greenland. Abstract volume. 9th International Kimberlite Conference, Frankfurt. 4th -9th of August.


Steenfelt, A., Jensen, S.M., Nielsen, T.F., and Sand, K.K.  2008. Regional distribution patterns of minerals and chemical components in surface media reflecting and characterising occurrences of kimberlite, ultramafic lamprophyre and carbonatite in West Greenland. Extended Abstract No. 9IKC-A-00178. 9th International Kimberlite Conference, Frankfurt. 4th -9th of August.


Stipp S.L.S., Oelkers E., Gislason S., West K., Nissenbaum, J., Sand K.K., Makovicky E., Bjørnholm T. and Bechgaard K. 2008. Can we convert CO2 back to rock form? Oral presentation. Nanotech Northern Europe, Copenhagen. 23rd -25th September.


Wittig, N., Pearson, D. G., Webb, M., Ottley, C. J., Sand, K.K., Jensen, S. M. and Nowell, G. M. 2008.  Evolution of the mantle root beneath the North Atlantic Craton. Extended Abstract No. 9IKC-A-00267. 9th International Kimberlite Conference, Frankfurt, 4th – 9th August.


Sand, K.K., Waight, T., Nielsen, T.F.D., Pearson. D.G., Makovicky, E., and Hutchison, M. 2008. Four-phase geothermobarometry on mantle xenoliths from southern West Greenland: assessment of P/T-formulations and implications for diamond potential. Abstract vol. p 47. 28th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting Aalborg, DK. 7th -10th of January.


Sand, K.K. 2007. A geotherm for the cratonic lithospheric mantle in southern West Greenland: thermal implications for diamond potential. Masters thesis. University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, DK.


Sand, K.K., Nielsen, T.F.D., and Secher, K. 2007. Diamond test of kimberlitic rocks from Nunatak 1390, observed as floats within the Archaean Tasiuarsuaq terrane, southern West Greenland. 2007. Danmark og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport 2007/77: 28.


Steenfelt, A., Schjøth, F., Sand, K.K., Secher, K., Tappe, S., Mogerg, E. and Tukiainen, T. 2007. Initial assessment of the geology and economic potential of the Tikiusaaq carbonatite complex and ultramafic lamprophyre dykes. Danmark og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport 2007/64: 53.


Wittig, N., Webb, M., Pearson, D.G., Nowell, G.M., Jensen, S.M, and Sand, K.K. 2007. Archetypal Archean lithosphere from West Greenland implicates shallow melting at >3.0 Ga. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (15): A1121-A1121 Suppl. S, Aug.


Jensen, S.M., Sand, K.K. and Steenfelt, A. 2005. Regional distribution and chemistry of indicator minerals from in situ rocks and surficial deposits in the Maniitsoq and Sarfartoq regions. Extended abstracts vol. p 43, Workshop on Greenland´s diamond potential in Copenhagen, DK. 7th -9th of November.


Pearson, D.G., Webb, M., Nowell, G.M., Sand, K.K. and Jensen, S.M. 2005. Age, depth and composition of the W. Greenland lithospheric mantle root and implications for diamond prospecting. Extended abstracts vol. p 87, Workshop on Greenland´s diamond potential in Copenhagen, DK. 7th -9th of November.


Steenfelt, A., Jensen, S.M. and Sand, K.K. 2005. Distribution of kimberlite indicator minerals in till within the Neoproterozoic Sarfatoq-Maniitsoq province of kimberlite and ultramafic lamprophyres, southern West Greenland. Extended abstracts vol. p 109, Workshop on Greenland´s diamond potential in Copenhagen, DK. 7th -9th of November.


Steenfelt, A., Jensen, S.M. and Sand, K.K. 2005. Geochemical and mineralogical signature of kimberlite dykes in till and stream sediment data from southern West Greenland. Program and Abstracts volume, p 95. 22nd IGES 2005, Perth, Australia. 19th to 23rd of September.


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