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Anchoring of bacteria to substrates and subsequent formation of biofilms has a vital role to play for survival of the bacteria. In addition the bacteria can influences the chemistry of their near surroundings, they can facilitate recrystalization/dissolution of minerals through electron transfer or pH gradients, serve as mineral nucleation sites for mineral growth and they have a large impact on element cycling in our environments.

In collaboration with the Jauffred lab (Biocomplexity and Biophysics, NBI), the Posth lab, (Section of Geology, IGN) and and the Burmølle lab, (Section of Microbiology, KU) we are exploring the binding strength between different strands of bacteria and mineral surfaces as well as microplastics. 

LJ conony.png

Bacterial colony formation.
By Lisselotte Jauffred (NBI collaborator)



We are combining microbiological top down techniques with bond and bulk level bottom up approaches 

Stay tuned for progress

(Check the SUBPROJECT below).

SEM image of bacterial colony formation on an iron oxides aggregate


I am looking for students with knowledge of

geology, chemistry or microbiology

to look into different aspects of mineral-DNA-microbial binding.  

You will be trained in atomic force spectroscopy and how to handle DNA and taught how to study interactions and dynamics at mineral surfaces.

Send an informal email for for more info:


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