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Group statement:


  • We work across disciplines which makes collaboration and communication essential.

  • We make time to play in the lab and test ideas.

  • We treat each other as peers and we welcome any interested students, postdocs, scholars or collaborators, regardless the branch of academic training.

  • I strive to have a group reflecting the diversity seen in society and I aim to help decrease the extra hurdles STEM women and minorities are facing compared to cis-male colleagues in this otherwise wonderful world of science.

  • We all have different ways of learning, we all bring different skills to the table and we all need different input to connect the dots. I am committed to create a learning space where everyone can participate.


Post doc

Carlota Carbajo Moral
PhD Student

Quantification of DNA-substrate

bonds and effects on HGT


Carlota is using dynamic force microscopy to quantify DNA-substrate binding parameters. She will link the bond parameters to bulk chemistry kinetics and

nano-level substrate associations. She will work to understand if DNA-substrate binding strength play a role for efficiency bacterial incorporation of substrate adsorbed DNA

Approach and tools:AFM imaging, Dynamic force spectroscopy, ss-ATR-FTIR, UV-vis

Globe institute portraits May 2023-19_ed

Qinna Cui
Post doc

Pablo Nicolás Arellano Caicedo

PhD Student

Taphonomy of DNA in sediments


We will be using nano- microlevel analytical approaches to study DNA preservation in sedimentary systems. We will work  to broaden our understanding of eDNA taphonomy and address how we can apply taphonomy and sediment provenance to improve biodiversity estimates based on eDNA

Approach and tools:
AFM imaging, SEM, EDX, XRD,


HGT and DNA-mineral fundamentals


Taru has been studying mineral facilitated horizontal gene transfer  in the group over the past 3 years. She is now starting her MSCA project on preservation  of DNA in sediments.



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Approach and tools:
Molecular and microbiology, fluorescent microscopy,  atomic force microscopy, adsorption studies and FTIR and Raman


Mineral facilitated horizontal

gene transfer


Qinna  is studying mineral facilitated horizontal gene transfer and uptake rates in biofilms. This project has relevance for propagation of antibiotic resistance genes in our environments and bacterial evolution.


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Approach and tools:
Molecular and microbiology, fluorescent microscopy,  micro fluidics.


Angela M. Sanchez-Salazar
Post doc

HGT of antibiotic resistance genes in the plastisphere


Angela is a microbiologist and will study how ARGs can disseminate in the plastisphere 


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Approach and tools:
Molecular and microbiology, fluorescent microscopy.

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Neethu Rose Sainjan
Post doc

HGT in plastic aggregates


Neethu is investigating bacterial processes and HGT in nanoplastic coronas (NPCs). She will be doing atomic force microscopy work to study selective bacterial growth on NP eco-coronas as a function of environmental parameters and stressors. 

Approach and tools:

AFM imaging, sequencing, cloning, meta-omics.

Magnus August Ravn Harding
Post doc

SedaDNA taphonomy


Magnus will study preservation of DNA in sediments and focus on how and where the DNA is bonded in sediments


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Approach and tools:
Optic and  fluorescent microscopy,  atomic force microscopy, spectroscopy.


Oluwatoosin Agbaje
Post doc

​Molecules-mineral interactions in historic samples


Toosin´s research will focuses on  preservation of  DNA and protein in calculus, ceramics, and other fossil samples. ‘Toosin’s expertise across several fields will help to decypher events om the past and in understanding biomolecules preservation across time and space.


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Approach and tools:
AFM imaging, SEM, EDX, XRD, IR-AFM, ss-ATR-FTIR, Dynamic force spectroscopy.




Saghar Hendiani
Post doc

Mineral facilitated horizontal

gene transfer


Saghar is studying mineral facilitated horizontal gene transfer and uptake rates in biofilms. This project has relevance for propagation of antibiotic resistance genes in our environments. 


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Approach and tools:
Molecular and microbiology, fluorescent microscopy,  atomic force microscopy

Image by National Cancer Institute


Post doc


Ioannis Kontopoulos
Post doc

​Dna in sediments


'Ioannis' research focuses on the preservation of DNA in sediments. He bridges across several length scales and combines molecular scale DNA-mineral interactions with DNA extractions and sediment sampling. 


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Approach and tools:
AFM imaging, SEM, EDX, XRD, IR-AFM, ss-ATR-FTIR, Dynamic force spectroscopy .


PhD Student

Protin-water-mineral interactions


Bia has a background in chemistry and heritage conservation  and is using computational and experimental approaches to understand the preservation potential of proteins across time in different environmental settings. Her focus is on collagen and beta lactoglobulin. 


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Approach and tools:

Molecular dynamics simulations, AFM imaging and video rate AFM.

Jaime Quesada Sanz

DNA-mineral stability in natural environments


Jaime will be using atomic force microscopy and bulk adsorptio experiments to investigate the nano level interactions between DNA and minerals in a range of environmental solutions.  His results can be used to access DNA leaking in sediments and to improve extraction protecols for eDNA



Approach and tools:

AFM imaging, Video rate AFM and force spectroscopy., UV-Vis.


Post doc

DNA-mineral-microbe interactions


Stan  is working on DNA-mineral interactions focusing on  DNA-mineral binding and stability. He will also help the initiatives of exploring the  rate of gene uptake in microbes.



Approach and tools:

AFM imaging, SEM, EDX, XRD, IR-AFM, ss-ATR-FTIR, Dynamic force spectroscopy 

Kamille Anna Dam Clasen
PhD Student

Mineral facilitated horizontal gene transfer


Kamille will study the role of  mineral structure and surface charge for rates of horizontal gene transfer from mineral adsorbed DNA. This project has relevance for propagation of antibiotic resistance genes in our environments. 


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Approach and tools:

Molecular and microbiology, floureescent microscopy,  bulk adsorption.

Rocío Rodriguez Torres 
PhD Student

Bacteria-plastic interactions


Rocío is a PhD student at DTU Aqua and she is doing a joint project with the Sand Lab and the Posth Lab about growth of bacteria on microplastics. In this project she will be quantifying binding affinities between  relevant bacteria and a range of plastic surfaces. 
Approach and tools:
AFM imaging, chemical force microscopy, optical imaging.


Magnus August R Harding

Degradation kinetics of mineral adsorbed DNA by DNAse


Magnus has a background in geology and palaeontology, and is interested in understanding the processes taking place during fossilization and the fate of organic molecules as they enter the geosphere. Here he will elucidate the preservation potential of environmental DNA.
Approach and tools:
AFM imaging in air, in liquid and using video rate.

Erasmus student

DNA conformation


Léa has been looking into DNA conformation on different minerals and explore how we can manipulate the DNA-mineral interaction. 
Approach and tools:
AFM imaging and force spectroscopy.


Chloé Martins
Erasmus student

Role of minerals in the origin of life


Chloé was suppose to join the group and do experimental work on propagation of antibiotic resistance genes in the environment. She planned to investigate conformation and behavior of DNA adsorbed to soil minerals. However, because of Covid-19 related lock-downs her project has been transformed to a literature study on the role of minerals in the origin of life. 
Approach and tools:
AFM imaging in air, in liquid and using video rate

Urvshi Kaveri Chandra 
PhD student

Protein preservation in archaeological artifacts


Urvshi will use her experience  with proteins and her molecular biology background to extract proteins from sediments and archaeological artefacts. She will also do fundamental studies of protein-mineral interactions to help optimize extraction methods. 

Approach and tools:
AFM (imaging, video rate and force spectroscopy ,  LC-MS/MS and GC-MS

Anne Rath
PhD student

Artificial nacre


Composite materials are nature’s strategy for creating strong and tough materials. Anne aim to understand the mineralization dynamics of CaCO3 formation on synthetic bio-polymers to develop nacre analog materials.
Anne is currently writing up her PhD thesis.
Approach and tools:
Flow through optical microscopy, AFM imaging, SEM, EDX, Constant composition method, in-situ UV-VIS, XRD.

Kasper Primdal Olesen
Student Project

Heterogeneous nucleation of CaCO3


Kasper studied heterogeneous nucleation and growth of calcite on mineral surfaces and polymers present in the environment. The aim was to elucidate surfaces that inhibit and enhance calcite formation.


Approach and tools:

SEM, EDX, Constant composition, diffusion experiments.


Xi Chen



Many microbes rely on anchoring themselves to mineral surfaces where they make biofilms enhancing their survival and facilitate gene transfers. Xi will be using her chemistry background to explore the differences in affinities between microbes and minerals and address if there is an interdependence with environmental conditions.

Approach and tools:
Flow through optical microscopy, AFM imaging, SEM, EDX, force spectroscopy.

Lasse Nikolajsen
 Ba. Student 

Heterogeneous calcite formation


Lasse studied the thermo dynamic barrier to nucleation on a range of substrates. We set up nice system to study nucleation in-situ with optical microscopy under constant flow and steady state conditions.


Approach and tools:

Flow through optical microscopy, SEM, EDX,  in-situ UV-VIS, XRD. 


Svend Harry
Canas Weihe


Microbial FeOX reduction


Svend studied the rate of hematite reduction by the reducing bacteria Shewanella. He showed how the  presence of organic compounds interfere with the mineral-microbe system paving the way for a better understanding of natural systems.


Approach and tools:

Glove boxes, ferrozine metod, TEM, SEM, EDX.

Mia Nielsen
 PhD Student 

Inorganic inhibition of carbonates


Inorganic componds such as Mg, SO4 and MgSO4 combined show varying degree of inhibition of calcite. Mia did a range of studies to understand the underlying mechanisms behind the inhibition to improve scaling strategies and bio proxies.


Approach and tools:

 SEM, EDX, Constant composition method, in-situ UV-VIS, XRD. 


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