I am looking for a PhD student to help the group answer fundamental questions about how mineral surfaces influence DNA preservation. You will be using using atomic force microscopy to study dynamics of DNA-mineral interactions and to understand how minerals decrease enzymatic DNA degradation.
Apply here. Application deadline 15th of November 2022.
The group: Molecular GeoBiology Group at the Section of GeoGenetics.
We explore DNA-mineral and protein-mineral interaction dynamics and bond strength using atomic force microscopy
We also explore how DNA can be stable across time and space on mineral surfaces
We are also investigating how minerals can facilitate evolution of life through bacterial uptake and biofilm propagation.
We work across disciplines and value team work

Atomic force microscope, my favorite instrument. Taru adding DNA to a mineral surface
are interested in
-how mineral surface characteristics drive interactions with molecules in the environment.
-experimental surface geochemistry
-understanding how DNA can be distributed across space and time in our environments
do not have to be
-a geologist,
-experienced with atomic force microscopy or
-experienced with DNA
Perspectives The Section of GeoGenetics were recently awarded a DNRF Center of excellence on Ancient environmental genomics and your work will be relevant to a large range of researchers working on the topic of sedimentary ancient DNA.

AFM images of DNase degradation of plasmid DNA
This project is funded by the Carlsberg Foundation
as part of my Carlsberg Foundation Young Researcher Fellowship
