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Group meeting under lockdown

When a meeting drifts from debating Mars landing, to lack of diverse representation in Danish medias to lack to diversity in STEM fields to hair cuts and plan B´s.

I turned up to my groups group meeting today with no agenda. That turned out to be a win.

After opening up the meeting we discussed the landing on Mars last night and I used the opportunity to vent my frustrations of the lack of diversity in the TV studio of the main Danish TV channel DR which is state and people sponsored. DR had 6 men and 1 women in the studio. The women were only occasionally visible because the camera angle left her behind one of the male experts.

That sparked a nice group discussion of which systems and behaviors that needs to be changed for STEM fields to become more diverse, for instance a good place to start is to have role models particular in the media and in lecture hall that a diverse field of people can relate to. We also talked about why people hire and network with someone who mirrors themselves and the grand implications of that for breaking new grounds.

40 min later we were debating our plan Bs and I must admit only 1 of those seems feasible, so dear group members, do continue your awesome work here and I sincerely hope you will never have to explore those options.

(Stan and Kamillle we will share plan B´s with you next week).


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